Yash Computech Solutions

Interactive Management Solutions

Interactive management solutions is an application for Schools and Collages.This project can make the tedious & mistake-prone job easier and faster. It can be used both in top-level and bottom-level management for daily operation. All the facilities for retrieving like student information, teacher’s information, library management, courses and fees management will be added, deleted, updated and saved in the project i.e. when a new student will come for admission all the information regarding the student will be filled in which course he will submitted, submitted the fees, attendance chart, teacher’s or non teaching staff information, manages the libraries. We can easily see and maintain that how many students are in the Interactive, how many courses etc. The application will be scalable and easily maintained. It could be easily changeable to the changing needs of users.

The main Advantages of the IMS are as follows

Fast and Efficient :- As compared to existing system, in new system the user can get the information fast, easily and efficiently from the software.

Reliable and Accurate :- As in new system, the information is stored and processed in computers so that data will be more reliable and accurate.

SNo Documentation :- As everything is stored on the computer, so there is no need of documentation or maintaining the files.

Centralized Data :- In the existing system, data records are kept under file maintenance system due to this system the placement of the data is not at one particular place. But in new system, each and every record is maintained on computer, which leads to the centralization of data.

Non Redundant Information:- As in proposed system data is maintained on the computers so inconsistency does not occur which will never lead to problem like duplication of data.

Easy to Access:- As compared to existing system, in new system the users can easily and efficiently accesses the information from the computer.

The Different Modules of this application are as follows

Admin Module :-

Admin is a person who keep records of every module he is superior to all admin is a person who keep records of everything like session, semester, courses there fees structure and student records, Transportation etc.

Admin performs basic following tasks

  • Course Type- Admin decides which course should be there.
  • Semester and Session Master-Admin decides semester according to session.
  • Fees Type Master-Admin gives fees according to type of course there may be different fees for different courses. What will be the duration of fees and concession on fees according to rules.
  • Scholar Register-Admin maintain scholar number of each student every student has unique scholar number. By the help of scholar number it is easy find student record.
  • Transportation –Admin decide a particular transport for particular route according to area.
Back Office Module :-

Back office work means the internal business functions such as Documents management, accounting, and Store Material Issue etc are done. Both of these applications are having following Modules.

  • Document management
  • Cash Collection details
  • Fees Reminder SMS
  • Informative SMS
  • Employee Attendance
  • Employee Leave Records
  • Inventory
  • Store Material Issue
  • Salary Preparation
  • Salary Sleep Preparation
  • Salary List preparation for bank usage
  • Attendance Entry
  • Department Master
  • No Dues Preparation
  • Concession Request
Exam Module :-

Exam module is a very important part of any Interactive management system. It is Very Difficult to maintain records of Exam Schedule, Students attempting exam and there Report Generation like report card generation etc. Exam Module includes the following contents which decreases our efforts and make tedious work easy.

  • Generate/Edit Roll Number
  • Enter/Edit of Marks
  • Marks List Print
  • Enter/Edit of Test Marks
  • Enter/Edit of Group Marks
  • Delete Particular marks
  • Mark Sheet Print
User Module :-

This module is quite simple this whole module is designed for User. Users are person who are using this application means faculties and staff. In this module the different records are maintained, forms are generated etc are done. There are many user who uses this application.

This module include the following things

  • Enquiry / Blank Form generation
  • Admission process
  • Fees collection
  • Miscellaneous Fees Collection
  • Attendance Entry
  • Scholar Register Preparation
  • TC Preparation
  • Bus Fees Collection
  • Expenses Entry
  • Staff Registration / Employee Master
  • Identity Card Preparation
Library Module :-

As the name is specifying library in this module the records of library are kept which includes book management, library card management etc.

Basic functionality by library is as follows

  • Author Master-The book is arranged according to author or not.
  • Book Type Master-What types of books are there in library.
  • Publisher Master –which which publications book is there in library.
  • Location Master-this field include location of books.
  • Book Issued/ Deposit – On which dates the book is issued and deposited.
  • Book Barcode-Every book has barcode which include Author, Publisher, and Subject etc.
  • Book Deposit Fine- is there any fine on book is there or not.
  • Current Book Stock-current status of books in stock.
  • Student Barcode book Issue-Each book is issued to particular student on its barcode.
  • Library Card Preparation
Time Table Module :-

In this module time table preparation is done there are various time table are there for example exam time table, Lecture time table etc are prepared in this module.

This module includes following things

  • Lecture Master-lectures planning are done in this area which means duration of lecture subject of lecture etc.
  • Faculty Subject Master-In This field faculties are assign according to subjects.
  • Class Faculty Assignment-Assigning a particular faculty to particular Class.
  • Day wise Lecture planning
  • Class wise Time Table Report generation.
Report Generation :-

In this module various report are generated of various type the report are of following types.

  • Fees Receipt generation
  • Daily collection report generation
  • Due Fees list generation
  • Late Fees collection report generation
  • Head wise collection report generation
  • Enquiry / Form issue report generation
  • Enquiry / Form issue fees collection report generation
  • ID card printing (with Barcode)
  • Cast wise scholarship report generation
  • Class register preparation
  • Attendance Report generation
  • Exam List Preparation

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